Jingwei Ji

Research Scientist, Waymo LLC
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About me

I'm a Research Scientist at Waymo (formerly the Google self-driving car project). I received my Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. I was co-advised by Prof. Juan Carlos Niebles and Prof. Silvio Savarese in Stanford Vision and Learning Lab. Prior to studying at Stanford, I obtained my B.Sc. degree in Physics from Peking University.

My research interests include human activity understanding, video analysis, 3D vision, and general computer vision and machine learning.

Selected publications

Detecting Human-Object Relationships in Videos

Jingwei Ji, Rishi Desai, Juan Carlos Niebles
ICCV 2021

Home Action Genome: Cooperative Compositional Action Understanding

Nishant Rai, Haofeng Chen, Jingwei Ji, Rishi Desai, Kazuki Kozuka, Shun Ishizaka, Ehsan Adeli, Juan Carlos Niebles
CVPR 2021

Action Genome: Actions as Composites of Spatio-temporal Scene Graphs

Jingwei Ji, Ranjay Krishna, Li Fei-Fei, Juan Carlos Niebles
CVPR 2020

Few-Shot Video Classification via Temporal Alignment

Kaidi Cao, Jingwei Ji*, Zhangjie Cao*, Chien-Yi Chang, Juan Carlos Niebles
CVPR 2020

Learning Temporal Action Proposals with Fewer Labels

Jingwei Ji, Kaidi Cao, Juan Carlos Niebles
ICCV 2019

End-to-End Joint Semantic Segmentation of Actors and Actions in Video

Jingwei Ji, Shyamal Buch, Alvaro Soto, Juan Carlos Niebles
ECCV 2018 (Oral)

DeformNet: Free-Form Deformation Network for 3D Shape Reconstruction from a Single Image
Andrey Kurenkov*, Jingwei Ji*, Animesh Garg, Viraj Mehta, JunYoung Gwak, Christopher Choy, Silvio Savarese
WACV 2018

ObjectNet3D: A Large Scale Database for 3D Object Recognition
Yu Xiang, Wonhui Kim, Wei Chen, Jingwei Ji, Christopher Choy, Hao Su, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Leonidas Guibas, Silvio Savarese
ECCV 2016 (Spotlight)

New Framework for the Random Charging/Discharging of Oxide Traps in HfO2 Gate Dielectric: ab-initio Simulation and Experimental Evidence
Jingwei Ji, Yingxin Qiu, Shaofeng Guo, Runsheng Wang, Pengpeng Ren, Peng Hao, Ru Huang
IEDM 2014


Working experiences

Research Scientist, Waymo
Jul 2021 - Present
Applied Scientist Intern, Amazon Go
Jun - Sept 2018

Academic services